Saturday, April 24, 2010


493: Fair Trade

Naruto looks at his twin and steadies himself. The evil twin smiles and its eyes instantly become kyubi eyes. Naruto summons two shadow clones but before he can react he is instantly hit in the face with a rasengan as the evil clone hovers over him laughing. Naruto suddenly wakes up while Yamoto and Motoi look at Naruto in surprise.

Motoi: "It will take you longer than that if you want to pass the first test."
Yamoto: "Naruto are you alright?"

Naruto shrugs off yamoto's hand and walks off angry. Naruto is sleeping later on and finds himself in darkness. Naruto looks around and suddenly he senses something is moving around him. Suddenly the eyes of something huge glow in front of naruto and he jumps back in surprise. The area starts to brighten some and Naruto sees the 8 tails.

Naruto: "Are you the octopus I have been searching for?"
8 tails: "Yes. I knew when I sensed your chakra immediately that you and I were destined to meet."
Killer Bee: "Yo 8 tails why is it so dark why did you have to drag us to this dark place boy?! Can't I get some sleep on my own vacation without you giving me constant aggravation!"
8 tails: "Quiet Bee. This is more serious than you realize."

The area starts to brighten up some and suddenly the barrier gate becomes visible. From within the barrier an evil laugh rings out as two dark red eye peer out from the barrier.

Kyubi: "It has been a long time since you and I crossed paths. It seems you too have been sealed away inside a weak brat."
8 tails: "Hello brother. You and I have some important things to discuss."
Naruto and Bee thinking: "Brother?"
Killer Bee: "Come on out you scaredy fox. My bijuu has said your power is so dope but when I get through with you I'm gonna make me a fox fur coat."
8 Tails: "Bee that was not a wise thing to say."

Killer bee walks over to the barrier and suddenly a humongous roar goes off shooting heavy wind around Killer bee who looks barely able to stand as his sun glasses fall off. The kyubi appears as Killer Bee begins to shake at seeing the huge size of the kyubi. Killer bee runs back and hides behind the 8 tails.

Kyubi: "If not for this host I would eat you alive for that one remark. What brings you here to me now brother?"
8 tails: "I come here to see what your plans are concerning akatsuki and this boy. You do know who is after us now?"
Kyubi: "Madara Uchiha and I plan to do nothing."
8 tails: "Do you realize we are the only ones left?"
Kyubi: "There is nothing that can be done. I am trapped in this host and the Uchiha have evolved much since you and I last encountered them. There is nothing that can be done right now."
8 tails: "That I have noticed too but it will take the both of us if we are to stop them."
Kyubi: "But there is nothing I can do. This brat's seal is too strong for me to break free."
8 tails: "That is why you must work with the boy."
Kyubi: "Like you working with that fool. I would rather not besides I do not even have near to the necessary power to defeat Madara."
Naruto: "I may have an answer for that. My father gave me this which I acquired recently."

Naruto has a large scroll appear with the toad on top of it. The toad looks down at Naruto. The Kyubi's eyes widen in shock at what it sees next to Naruto.

Toad: "Hey Naruto! Did you find the secret to the scroll already?"
Killer Bee thinking: "A talking toad! I must be trippin cause if not than my mind must be flippin."
Kyubi: "hahahahahaha So at long last the other half of my power is finally been found."
8 Tails: "With this scroll your full power should be restored and you will have all the power you once had my brother."
Kyubi: "With that power I will have the ability to free myself and go after Madara."
8 tails: "But that is what got you sealed the last time. You can't beat Madara by yourself. You must use the boy."
Kyubi: "And why should I? Every time I have used even a small portion of my chakra with the boy it has only weakened me. He is not as strong enough physically as your host."
Naruto: "But I have since learned to use the power of the sage. With the strength of sage and the chakra of the kyubi combined we would be far more powerful than we ever were when you had control."
Kyubi: "I will agree to work with you on one condition. Unlike my brother I do not intend to be the crutch of some weakling. When akatsuki is destroyed, the last of the uchiha have died, and the war is over I wish to be freed from you completely. Agreed?"
Naruto: "Agreed."
8 Tails: "You have made the right decision brother. Now it is time to give you the power you once had. Naruto it is your turn now to do what must be done."
Toad: "Naruto are you sure you want to do this?"
Naruto: Yes. Now how do I unlike the power of the scroll?"
Toad: "Place one hand on the scroll and the other on the kyubi. The scroll will then allow you to transfer the power of the scroll to the kyubi. Ready?"

Naruto walks over and places his hand on the kyubi's outstretched arm which has come through the barrier. Naruto turns and touches the scroll with his other hand. Instantly a jolt goes through as chakra surges through naruto and enters into the kyubi making it even more physical. The frog jumps off the scroll as it vanishes and naruto falls to his knees.

8 tails: "It is done. Rest now Naruto and prepare yourself. Tomorrow my host and I shall show you truly what it means to be a jinchuriki."
Toad: "Bye Naruto. I will tell the others at Myobuzoken about this."
Naruto falls to the ground onconscious as the 8 tails and Killer Bee look on.
8 tails: "Let us go Bee there is still much work we must prepare for. You too must become stronger if we are to defeat akatsuki."
Killer Bee grumbles to himself as he vanishes along with the 8 tails. The kyubi looks down at the unconscious Naruto.

Kyubi: "Know this brat. When this fight is over I will hold you to your promise even if it kills you in the process."

Naruto lays there unconscious sleep as the fox watches on as Naruto lays there.

494: The training begins
by: Tribulation

Naruto 493: Evil Naruto

Evil Naruto: "Becoming a Hogake. What a joke. You are the nine tailed fox. You can beat the Akatsuki by yourself . Besides I wonder if we left the village would Sakura tried to kill us like she's willing to kill Sasuke? She doesn't like us. Those ninjas are just unless and they kept getting in your way like Hinata did when fought again Pain."
Naruto: Unless the Third was nice.
Evil Naruto: "But he didn't tell us the truth. He'd didn't tell us the Fourth Hogake was our father. He also even make a rule about not letting anyone to tell us that we had a monster inside of us. We didn't know about it untill Touji Mizuki told us. He was using us as well."
Evil Naruto attacked Naruto. Naruto defend. They both enter the Sage mode.

[Scene changes]
Killer Bee: I'd can't make up a rhyme with all that noise outside. [Killer Bee thinking that Kyuubi host is training. I guess Motoi showed him when I'd started training to control the Hachibi. I guess I can oversee his training.]
Kisame thinking (It's a prefect time to analyzed Naruto's power in the works and report it to Madara.)
Hachibi: "My nine-tailed brother is more hard to control than I was. I still think somethings wrong with your new sword."
Killer Bee: "There's nothing wrong with my new sword."


[Scene changes back to the Waterfall of Truth.]
Killer Bee arrives and oversee Naruto's training.
Evil Naruto: They even made a rule that was forbidden to tell us. About our father was the Fourth Hogake! Let's leave Konoha and let's join Akatsuki to show them the true power we have and with Sage Techniques no one can't beat us not even Sasuke Uchiha or Madara Uchiha or both of them. I say join Sasuke in his revenge against Konoha. Then We're fight Sasuke for the new Hogake. Beside the nine-tailed fox wants revenge on Madara Uchiha. Our Family defeated a Uchiha. This is our destiny to defeated the last Uchiha. Let's kill Sasuke Sakura already hates us anyway."

Killer Bee thinking what this kid is the son of the Fourth Hogake?
Naruto: "Jiraya, Sasuke, Tsunade, Itachi, Konan, Kakashi, Hinata, Rock Lee, Gai, Third Hogake, Pain, Kiba, Tenten and other leaf Ninjas put their dreams and hope for peace."
Evil Naruto: Do you know the saying kept your friends close but kept your enemies closer?
Naruto: "Stop saying us! I'm not you! "
Evil Naruto: "I'm you and you are me." [A Evil laugh]

[Scene changes to Anko.]
Anko: "Kabuto!"
Kabuto: "I guess the war starts now! "
Madara: "Kabuto you lead them here?"
Kabuto: "Sooner the War starts and sooner the war ends. I'm more closer to get Sasuke Uchiha."
Tokuma: "So you lead us here to start the war."
Anko: "So you are taking up Orochimaru's mentle then?"
Kabuto: "You figured it out! Good girl!"

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